Tile Art Wall

from $30.00



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Artwork Creation Guidelines

We welcome art submissions from any and all clients of our agency, along with their families - of all ages and artistic abilities!

There are two options for submitting completed artwork:

Submit Art on Paper

Complete your artwork on the paper provided in this packet or on your own sheet of 8.5”x 8.5” square paper. Drop off or mail your completed art along with your order form and payment to HEAR WI at 10243 W. National Ave, West Allis, WI or give it to one of your service providers during your next appointment. 

Submit Art Electronically

Complete your artwork on the paper provided in this packet or on your own sheet of 8.5”x8.5” square paper.  Scan your artwork and submit a digital image to us via email at lperlman@hearwi.org. Please note that scanned images must be 300 dots per inch (DPI) and no lower than 200 DPI. Image format should be .jpg or .png – please note that we are unable to accept PDF attachments.

In order to ensure your artwork shows up boldly and clearly on your finished tiles, please follow the following guidelines as you complete your artwork:


  • Consider doing a rough draft first. Use one of our attached examples as inspiration or get creative with your own original work of art!
  • Use bold marks and bright colors!
  • Use markers, paints, colored paper collage, oil pastels or sharpies
  •  Fill the entire drawing area – the less “white space” the better!
  • If you’d like us to print the artist’s name or another message over your art, please leave the bottom half inch of your artwork open to allow space for text (see order form for additional details).


  • Use pencil, colored pencils, light/pale colors, neon, glitter pens or glitter glue
  • Include any inappropriate/insensitive art or words – we value the diversity in our community and encourage free expression. Our team reserves the right to request revisions or reject images that may be perceived as insensitive or inappropriate.