Hearing is a foundation for learning and brain growth!

Babies can hear in utero and their brains start
to recognize sound even before they are born.

Hearing loss is about getting input to your
child’s brain for language, communication and learning. 

Communication Choice

HEAR Wisconsin respects families’ right to informed choice regarding language and communication.  We are committed to providing unbiased information and a variety of communication choices to help your child reach his or her fullest potential.

American Sign Language

Independent of the choice to use a spoken language or a visual language,  understanding a child’s hearing status is important.

Little boy with cochlear implant
Speech Therapist providing TeleIntervention Services

To learn more about hearing in young children:

Talk to your pediatrician or a pediatric audiologist about getting your child’s hearing evaluated as soon as you notice any concern.  

If you have a child with hearing loss or are the parent of a CODA and have questions  - Contact HEAR Wisconsin.  We are here to help.