Celebrating our heart language

a legacy tile art wall project


We all have a heart language— the special way we express our love and joy, our challenges and our needs. Our heart language is rich with humor, poetry, songs, gestures and inflection. Our heart language is our dreaming language, the language we use to share our culture, the language our family knows by heart.

To celebrate 90 years of our agency’s service to our community, our families and clients now have an opportunity to illustrate their heart language on a special tile. These tiles can be purchased to serve as a lasting memory and will leave your mark on our agency’s wall for all to admire.

Everyone is welcome to make a tile, whether you are a past or current family in our Birth to Three program, a recipient or graduate of our therapy services, a supporter of our agency, a member of our Community Access Program, a client in our hearing healthcare center, or a proud member of the d/Deaf and hard of hearing community in Milwaukee. Your tile art will be permanently installed on the walls for all to see and enjoy for years to come!


Tiles measure 6” x 6”


$30 per designed tile. If you would like a duplicate of your completed tile to keep as a keepsake or use as a gift, two tiles will cost $50.


Use the attached paper, instructions and ordering form to do your artwork at home, then email, mail or bring your packet to HEAR WI at 10243 W National Avenue, West Allis, WI. Stay tuned for our upcoming Tile Art FamilyLink Party! We’ll take care of mailing all the artwork in to be permanently transferred onto ceramic tiles for display.


Please turn in your order forms, artwork, and payment. Contact Brooke Ranta 414-604-2200 or branta@hearwi.org

Tile Examples