HEAR Wisconsin in the News

HEAR Wisconsin’s Mobile Audiology Clinic Progresses Healthy Hearing Programming - Special Olympics Wisconsin

Kohl’s donates $500K+ to Milwaukee -area nonprofits - Fox 6 News

Finalists for Nonprofit Excellence Awards Announced - BizTimes

A new mobile clinic seeks to widen access to ear care - Matt Martinez, Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

HEAR Wisconsin puts audiology clinic on wheels - Vince Vitrano, TMJ4

HEAR Wisconsin launches Mobile Audiology Clinic - Beck Salgado, Milwaukee Business Journal

Making a difference virtually: COVID-19 has changed how nonprofits raise money - Cathy Kozlowski, NOW News

Wauwatosa mother creates face masks modified for those deaf or hard of hearing - Michael Schlesinger, CBS58 News

‘They can lip read:’ HEAR Wisconsin offers special masks to assist communication amid COVID-19 - Evan Peterson, Fox6 News

Being deaf during a pandemic - HEAR Wisconsin’s Kristin Johnson - Radio interview with Melissa Barclay, TMJ4 Radio

Coronavirus: Wauwatosa woman makes special masks for deaf community - By Evan Casey, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wauwatosa woman sews see-through masks for hearing impaired community - By James Groh, TMJ4

HEAR Wisconsin Adapts to Provide Essential Services during COVID-19 - HEAR Wisconsin News Release

News from the Community

Hearing Aids Protect Aging Brains - NewsMax Health, Michael Roizen, M.D.

How to Protect Kids’ Ears from Headphone-Related Hearing Loss - The Wall Street Journal

Quilt company preserves memories while empowering people with hearing loss - Today

Ford has designed a clear N95 mask that makes it easier to lip read and recognize facial expressions. The patent-pending device will be in production this spring. - FoxNews

Deaf people are being left out of the conversation during COVID-19 pandemic - Today

More Masks In Wisconsin May Mean More Challenges For Those With Hearing Loss - Chuck Quirmbach, WUWM 89.7

Coronavirus masks pose challenges for those hard of hearing - Emily Shetler, The Cap Times

Pandemic safety measures can be difficult for hard-of-hearing. Here’s how to help - Nicole Marrone, The Conversation, CNN Health

‘I cannot read their lips’: The deaf community faces another communication hurdle as face masks become the new normal - Jessica Flores, USA Today

Face masks are excluding the deaf and hard of hearing community by Patrick deHahn

Officer helps deaf woman obtain Real ID through sign language, helps her pay fee by KCRA