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Corks & Kegs Virtual Fundraiser

Support a great organization that serves children, adults
and seniors who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Participate in our program and silent auction. HEAR Wisconsin will be making an announcement you don’t want to miss. Be the first to hear about a new community initiative that will positively impact the lives of children, adults and seniors with hearing loss. 

The health and safety of our HEAR Wisconsin supporters, staff and clients is our priority. Due to concerns about the impact of COVID-19, we have changed the format of this year’s event to a virtual fundraiser. A lot of time and love is going into this event to make it a fun and memorable occasion you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.

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a Sponsorship Package!

Check out our Sponsor Benefits Flyer

We need your support more than ever this year as together we strive to meet the needs of our clients


Diamond Sponsor

The Scott Family

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Franz Backus Trust

Steven & Buffy Duback

Scott & Monica Genz

Frank & Angela Pintar

Will & Kate Schoyer


May 9

Milwaukee Walk4Hearing

October 2

Annual Fall Festival & Open House